Premier Planning Services

Boutique Financial Planning Services Firm

C-Suite Planning™ is a boutique financial planning firm created to provide specialized planning services to Entrepreneurs and Executives. 


If there was one group of individuals with a set of constantly changing daily demands that operates under extreme stress most of the time it would have to be the American Entrepreneur. With the average business’s failure rate after five years being over 50% it is no surprise why so many people are scared to take the leap of faith to start a business. For those who are lucky enough to succeed and make it beyond their fifth, or even tenth year, in business their attention is usually focused in the business and participating in their family – when they have the time. This is why many entrepreneurs delegate so many of their tasks to those they trust.

C-Suite Planning™ was created specifically to help entrepreneurs delegate their personal financial planning needs to highly qualified financial experts. While the entrepreneur is focused on building and managing their business our Certified Financial Planners will focus on helping them manage their finances, extract value from their business without directly diluting the business’s value, and ensuring their family is protected throughout the process. At the same time, as needed, our Exit Planners can work with our entrepreneurs to evaluate exit strategies in order to prepare for the inevitable transition out of the business.

In the end, our entrepreneur clients, and family, can confidently entrust their future planning needs with our experts to use a set of processes built specifically for them.

While all entrepreneurs are executives, all executives are not entrepreneurs – although they have many similarities. Many executives are responsible for running divisions within a larger organization which could be thought of as running a business within a larger business. They have to fight for resources, hire and manage team members, create value within their division – and across the larger firm, meet firm deadlines, and so much more. Aspiring, and current, executives tend to invest a lot of their time building other people’s businesses which unfortunately means they have less time to focus on their personal, or family’s, needs. Similar to how C-Suite Planning™ supports entrepreneurs with personal financial planning needs, our firm has customized our processes to fit the needs of our executive clients as well. In fact we operate two sets of proprietary processes – one for entrepreneurs and the other for executives. This allows our Certified Financial Planners to create a unique experience for each client and tailor the advice for their particular needs. No longer will our executive clients have to wonder what to do with their upcoming vesting stock options, or how to manage the tax impact of managing capital gains and ordinary income scenarios, or how to build and protect their families wealth using generic financial planning solutions. At C-Suite Planning™ the entire experience has been carefully designed to meet your current and future financial needs.

Our team are experts in the following four niche planning services:

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